• The Dissertation Solution
    The Dissertation Solution


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It Involves tabulation or presentation of data in some other form, Done with the purpose of supporting Suggesting conclusions and the hypothesis presented in the dissertation. It can be done in different ways and has many connotations, Depending on the field and subject of research. The analysis of data can be done in descriptive, exploratory or confirmatory Manner. The method to be used for data analysis depends on Whether you are exploring a new concept in your research, or September out to prove some ideology Already present. These issues Relating to decision making can be Easily resolved with the help of our experts.

The process of data analysis is a detailed one. It starts from managing the data in the right format to end interpretation of it for arriving at the conclusions. Data must be cleaned, ie, irrelevant and wrong data must be removed or corrected at the stage of data entry itself. Next is the stage of checking the quality of data collected; its adequacy and accuracy for the research must be determined. These steps precede the actual data for analysis. Complexities These are sure to confuse a research scholar who is working on a dissertation for the first time. Data analysis for quantitative study chapter writing is done after conducting statistical tests . Our statisticians are well versed with SPSS ,Stata, E-Views and R for conducting Such statistical tests.